
For more information, please call 218-444-9038 or click on "Contact Us" above.
***Para mas informacion, por favor llamenos: 218-444-9038 o haz click "en español"
Providing Housing with Integrity through the Housing First Model...
Housing Matters connects and supports clients in the following areas:
Landlord and Tenancy Supports
Community Resources
In Home Case Management
Independent Living Skills
Assistance in understanding benefits
And many other services
What is Housing First?
Non-Discrimination Policy-Click Read More Below Housing Matters does not discriminate based upon any federal, state or local protected classes of persons. Housing Matters prominently posts the following notice in all office buildings and properties to educate our tenants and service participants on their rights. Housing Matters posts the below notice prominently on its web site. Housing Matters also includes a copy of our agency’s Non-Discrimination Policy as part of the intake process for all participants and participants sign that they have received and understood the policy. The policy is included in all agency communications materials over 2 pages in length The Notice reads as follows: Nondiscrimination Notice • Housing Matters does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Housing Matters provides reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities in a timely manner and free of charge, when they are needed to perform services. Appropriate accommodations include assistive devices and services, interpreters and information in alternate formats Housing Matters provides timely language assistance services for people with limited English proficiency (LEP) free of charge, when they are needed to perform services. Language assistance services include translated documents and oral language interpretation Ask the staff person you are working with how to obtain accommodations or language assistance services to meet your needs Please contact the program supervisor (Graham Hensel 218-444-9038) if you wish to file a complaint about any of the items covered in the nondiscrimination notice • If you wish to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), in Minnesota, contact the Minnesota Department of Human Rights at 651-539-1100 or 1-800-657-3704 or https://mn.gov/mdhr/about/contact/